I know I’m strange, but I scare myself even with this one.
This is a seed from which so many things grow. Persistence
is the fertile soil it’s planted in. Thousands of words, thrown together in
garbled sentences, is the water that breaks its shell. Chance and more than a
little luck pushes the tiniest of green shoots through. Early mornings and long
hours pulls the roots down further, anchoring it, stabilising it. Laughter,
cursing and blaring music makes the first leaves unfold; three people in fluorescent
shirts, its sun.
The summer that fell into place.
By the time it becomes a sapling, the seed doesn’t matter
anymore; we focus for the tree. We forget that this time between the not there yet and it’s over creates the layers and rings that makes it so much more
To watch this:
Become this:
To feel and have to control that
bubbling excitement of maybe. The
excitement smells sweet. The fear shades the ground when the sun gets too
bright. I've spent more hours than I think possible scouting the Internet for more information. Always more. Words
have brought me to my feet. A sentence
took my breath away.
Congratulations on your acceptance.
Somewhere in the past year, my life began to revolve around
this. I have made friendships that kept me entertained and sane over this summer, employed by CBH,
missing those people terribly when suddenly we’re not spending 11+ hours a day in a 20-foot
vicinity of each other.
For a semester that was more focused on paperwork for exchange and not to
do with my degree. For hours of chatter in the back of the library on a
Wednesday, fighting with the wireless network, developing another friendship
that inspired a choice to follow the same path as me. For my ability to help lead down that path.
I wrote one word in the orientation session that started all this. Overseas. It was in regards to where ECU could take me. Just over a year later, I'm getting confirmation that I'm going overseas.
From all the ‘coincidences’, to its consistent simplicity; I
cannot doubt this.
I stopped saying please,
and started saying thank you.