Life is rough! This work is kicking my butt! :(
Thanksgiving is here and I was conned into going on a Skiing/ Snowboarding trip... Shouldn't of gone, they say it's easy... Lies!!! I hate you all!
I'm not going to spend much time on this, the trauma of it all is too much for me. Even now, my stomach feels sick thinking about it!
So, we left early, 6.30-7ish, from Greeley for Silverthorn, a little ski town, and Copper Mountain, our first slope. We were going to do 3 slopes in the 3 days we had away; Copper Mountain, Breakenridge and Keystone. The bus trip up was fine, smooshed in between a sleeping Karina and laughing with Conor. Until Taylor Swift made her appearance So, we are used to one Tay-Swizzle fanatic, but apparently Tim, one of our instructors, was a huge fan too... Good god!
I decided to try snowboarding, thinking that I'd like to try it. I should of just stayed with ski's... it was awful. Up the mountain, exhausted, almost breaking my tail bone (again), bruising up my knee, twisting my ankle, and not sure how I was going to get down... just hell. After about 4 hours, I decided I'd had enough. I was done. Tim agreed with me, that I'd given it a good try but sucked! (He didn't say it but I could see it in his eyes) I eventually took the board off and started walking. Someone came up to me and asked if I wanted a ride down... Yes Please!!
I met up with Conor and Dan sitting at the bottom of the slope and chilled with them for two or three hours before we went home.
So, we had decided just to go straight to the slope... we should of tried to find our house in daylight because we pulled up at one, got everything out, and about 15mins later found we were at the wrong place, so had to pack up the entire car and went up about 100metres up the road and found where we were actually meant to stay. Then, we found out that there wasn't actually enough beds for everyone... actually, it was a 4 bedroom home for 15 people!! WTF Outdoor Pursuits?! If I ha known that I wouldn't of gone. I was one of the lucky ones, I roomed with Emily, Karina and Amanda and Em and Karina knew how badly I slept (Emily especially after SanFran and Seattle), so said that I should get the pull out bed. It was excellent!! But Em, Karina and Amanda had to share a King bed! Ridiculous! Karina ended up throwing pillows down next to the heating and slept on the floor.
They also didn't give us enough food... which would of been find if they had told us... but no...
That night we ate stir fry and played a great game one of the Canadian girls bought... so much fun!!

Day two, and Thanksgiving!! We all were like,
'Happy Thanksgiving! Er, is that what we say?! Do we wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving?' I decided to say poo-poo to the snowboard and took up skiing... So much easier, but I still got scared going down. I think the fear I got from Snowboarding transferred over to skiing. :( But I did my best and spent my day on the bunny slope just learning. By the time I was confident enough to go down an actual slope, it was way too icy, so I just hung out at the bottom and waited for everyone else to be done! It was excellent, we went to the shops after and we found stuff for lemon, lime and bitters... so we added a bit of Aussie to the American dinner (apparently all the Aussies make LLB differently... and the same way every time! The yanks laughed at us as we compared LLB makings). It was delicious. We all scarfed food down like we hadn't eaten in years! After having a pick lunch, it kinda felt like we hadn't eaten in years... More Outdoor Pursuits people came along and we all ate together, laughing and enjoying the meal. We decided to go out shopping in Silverton that night for 1hr. Conor found me ice cream and I almost cried at the sight of the shop! I bought a cute necklace of an Aspen Leaf dipped in silver, I adore it!

The first time I went down, it wasn't too bad... I felt sick the entire time and almost cried a dozen times but we got down and I didn't break anything. After lunch, I was talking to Conor and we decided to go all the way down this green slope. Bad idea. I hurt so bad about 3/4 of the way down. I could have hit/kissed Conor with all the support he was giving me. But we made it and it was around 3.15 and we were meant to meet up at 4pm. We both thought this was excellent, we would be able to get back up, sit around for a bit and then head back. So we could either take a bus to the main place we were meeting up, or, I figured, could take the chair lift, because all chairlifts go to the top, right?! Wrong, not all chairlifts go to the top. This one went half way up the slope... so we had ski a ways down to get to another to get up the top to go back down. I called Karina at 4pm when we were meant to meet and was almost crying on the phone telling her we had to keep skiing... We got there eventually. Conor made me laugh in the gondola trip down, but by the time we'd got back to the bus, Karina asked if I was alright and I said, not right now, and Sarah and Tim both got worried as I fought back sobs. Traumatic, I tell you!!
I was very happy for a shower when we got back and settled down.
The bus ride back was good, SO NICE TO BE HOME!! Saturday and Sunday were very drunken to get over the trauma of Thanksgiving... and now I have to do an entire media kit on Outdoor Pursuits... kill me now!
Le Sigh.
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